Perpetuating cities : excepting globalization and the Southeast Asia supplement / Ryan Bishop, John Phillips, Wei-Wei Yeo -- Global cities, terror and tourism : the ambivalent allure of the urban jungle / Kathleen Adams -- The city as target, or perpetuation and death / Ryan Bishop and Gregory K. Clancey -- From the hypermodern city to the gray zone of total mobilization in the Philippines / John Armitage and Joanne Roberts -- Urban space in the French imperial past and the postcolonial present / Richard L. Derderian-- Sharing space in the urban botanic gardens of Singapore and Malaysia, 1786-2000 / Emma Reisz -- Gay capitals in global gay history : cities, local markets, and the origins of Bangkok's same-sex cultures / Peter A. Jackson -- Actually existing postcolonialisms : colonial urbanism and architecture after the postcolonial turn / Anthony D. King -- Jakarta as a site of fragmegrative tensions / James N. Rosenau and Diane Wildsmith -- Regionalism, English narrative and Singapore as home and global city / Shirley Geok-Lin Lim -- Contemporary cities with colonial pasts and global futures : some aspects of the relations between governance, order, and decent, secure life / George E. Marcus and Angela Rivas Gamboa -- City as theatre : Singapore, state of distraction / Wei-Wei Yeo -- Perpetual returns : vampires and the ever-colonized city / Steve Pile -- Benjamin's Arcades project and the postcolonial city / Rajeev S. Patke -- Deus ex machina : evangelical sites, urbanism, and the construction of social identities / Robbie B. H. Goh