Race and the journalistic routine. Yes we did? : race, myth and the news revisited / by Christopher Campbell, Kim LeDuff & Rockell Brown -- Newsroom diversity and representations of race / by Cheryl D. Jenkins -- National news coverage of race in the era of Obama / by Kim M. LeDuff -- "New" news, hegemony and representations of Black male athletes / by Rockell Brown, Reynaldo Anderson and Jason Thompson -- From the water cooler to the World Wide Web : race and audience commentary on news stories on-line / by Kim LeDuff and Robin Kauth -- Ethnic news media and marginalization : African-American newspaper coverage of the AIDS crisis / by Rockell Brown -- Covering race : contemporary case studies. Simple incivility or outright racism? how newspapers covered Joe Wilson's outburst during Obama's congressional health care address / by Kim LeDuff -- The real price of oppression: Fox news coverage of the Virginia Tech shooter / by Kim LeDuff -- "Nappy-headed hos" : media framing, blame shifting and the controversy over Don Imus' pejorative language / by Hazel James Cole and Cheryl D. Jenkins -- Recoding New Orleans : news, race, representation and Spike Lee's When the levees broke / by Christopher Campbell and Kim LeDuff -- Localizing terror, creating fear in post 9/11 local TV news / by Kim M. LeDuff -- Race and objectivity : toward a critical approach to news consumption / by Cheryl D. Jenkins and Donyale Padgett -- Afterword : re-thinking the news : how American journalism can improve coverage of race and racism
African Americans-- Press coverage
Journalism-- Objectivity-- United States
Journalism-- Political aspects-- United States-- History-- 21st century
Mass media and race relations-- United States
Race relations and the press-- United States
Racism in the press-- United States
Television broadcasting of news-- Political aspects-- United States