Edmund Husserl ; translated by J.N. Findlay from the second German edition of Logische Untersuchungen ; with a new preface by Michael Dummett ; and edited with a new introduction by Dermot Moran
New York :
2 v. ;
24 cm
International library of philosophy
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
v. 1. Prolegomena to pure logic (volume 1 of the German editions). Expression and meaning (Investigation I, volume II of the German editions). The ideal unity of the species and modern theories of abstraction (Investigation II, volume II of the German edition) -- v. 2. On the theory of wholes and parts (Investigation III, volume II of the German editions). The distinction between independent and non-independent meanings (Investigation IV, volume II of the German editions). On the intentional experiences and their 'contents' (Investigation V, volume II of the German editions). Elements of a phenomenological elucidation of knowledge (Investigation VI, volume II, part 2 of the German editions)