Commissions, reports, reforms, and educational policy /
edited by Rick Ginsberg and David N. Plank ; foreword by Paul E. Peterson
x, 267 pages ;
25 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
Foreword / Paul E. Peterson -- 1. Commissions and Change / Rick Ginsberg and David N. Plank -- 2. A Nation at Risk: Ugly Duckling No Longer / Milton Goldberg and Anita Madan Renton -- 3. A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century: The Report of the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy's Task Force on Teaching as a Profession / Marc Tucker -- 4. Committee for Economic Development: Shaping Policies and Partnerships for America's Children / Laurie Miller McNeill and Sandra Kessler Hamburg -- 5. Impact of Commission Reports in the South and on South Carolina's Comprehensive School Reform Efforts of the 1980s / Richard W. Riley and Terry K. Peterson -- 6. Using Task Forces in Local Educational Agencies to Develop Educational Policy / Richard C. Wallace, Jr., Patricia Crawford and Mary Ellen Kirby -- 7. The Rhetoric of School Reform Reports: Sacred, Skeptical, and Cynical Interpretations / Noreen B. Garman and Patricia C. Holland
Commissions, reports, reforms, and educational policy.
Commissions, reports, reforms, and educational policy.