Foreword / by Robert W. Wagner. -- Film in China: an introduction. -- The founding of the Northeast Film Studio, 1946-1949 / Patricia Wilson. -- Film theory in the People's Republic of China: the new era / Xia Hong. -- Notes on the new filmmakers / Ma Ning. -- Interviews / conducted by George S. Semsel. Xie Jin, director of the Third Generation ; Teng Wenji, middle-aged new director ; Zhang Nuanxin, middle-aged new director ; Tian Zhuangzhuang, fifth generation director ; Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou, fifth generation director and cinematographer ; Yin Tingru, actress ; Zhang Tianxi, actor ; Lee Grumman, American actress ; Emei Film Studio, Film Production Team ; Zhao Erhuan, writer-editor ; Xie Fengsong, scriptwriter ; and Liu Zhuang, composer. -- The end of an era / George S. Semsel
This text examines the current state of the Chinese film industry