bringing the World Wide Web to its full potential /
edited by Dieter Fensel [and others]
xxiii, 479 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
Introduction -- Languages and ontologies -- SHOE: a blueprint for the semantic Web / Jeff Heflin, James Hendler, and Sean Luke -- DAML-ONT: an ontology language for the Semantic Web / Deborah L. McGuinness [and others] -- Ontologies and scheme languages on the Web / Michel Klein [and others] -- UPML : the language and tool support for making the Semantic Web alive / Borys Omelayenko [and others] -- Ontologies come of age / Deborah L. McGuinness -- Knowledge support -- Sesame: an architecture for storing and querying RDF data and schema information / Jeen Broekstra, Arjohn Kampman, and Frank van Harmelen -- Enabling task-centered knowledge support through semantic markup / Rob Jasper and Mike Uschold -- Knowledge mobility : semantics for the Web as a white knight for knowledge-based systems / Yolanda Gil -- Complex relationships for the semantic Web / Sanjeev Thacker, Amit Sheth, and Suchi Patel -- SEmantic portAL : the SEAL approach / Alexander Maedche [and others] -- Dynamic aspect -- Semantic gadgets: ubiquitous computing meets the semantic Web / Ora Lassila and Mark Adler -- Static and dynamic semantics of the Web / Christopher Fry, Mike Plusch, and Henry Lieberman -- Semantic annotation for Web content adaptation / Masahiro Hori -- Task-achieving agents on the World Wide Web / Austin Tate [and others]