edited by Johan J. Bolhuis and Martin Everaert ; foreword by Robert C. Berwick and Noam Chomsky
xiv, 542 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
Foreword : a bird's-eye view of human language and evolution / Robert C. Berwick and Noam Chomsky -- [part] I. Introduction. The design principles of natural language / Martin Everaert and Riny Huybregts -- Evolution, memory, and the nature of syntactic representation / Gary F. Marcus -- Convergence and deep homology in the evolution of spoken language / W. Tecumseh Fitch and Daniel Mietchen -- Evolution of brain pathways for vocal learning in birds and humans / Erich D. Jarvis -- [part] II. Acquisition of birdsong and speech. Behavioral similarities between birdsong and spoken language / Sanne Moorman and Johan J. Bolhuis -- Parametric variation : language and birdsong / Neil Smith and Ann Law -- Vocal culture in songbirds : an experimental approach to cultural evolution / Olga Fehér and Ofer Tchernichovski -- Acquisition of linguistic categories : cross-domain convergences / Frank Wijnen -- [part] III. Phonology and syntax. Structure in human phonology and in birdsong : a phonologist's perspective / Moira Yip -- Recursivity of language : what can birds tell us about it? / Eric Reuland -- Finite-state song syntax in Bengalese finches : sensorimotor evidence, developmental processes, and formal procedures for syntax extraction / Kazuo Okanoya -- Analyzing the structure of bird vocalizations and language : finding common ground / Carel ten Cate, Robert Lachlan, and Willem Zuidema -- Phonological awareness in grey parrots : creation of new labels from existing vocalizations / Irene M. Pepperberg -- [part] IV. Neurobiology of song and speech. The neural basis of links and dissociations between speech perception and production / Sophie K. Scott, Carolyn McGettigan, and Frank Eisner -- Neural mechanisms of auditory learning and memory in songbirds and mammals / Sharon M.H. Gobes, Jonathan B. Fritz, and Johan J. Bolhuis -- Age effects in language acquisition and attrition / Christophe Pallier -- A "birdsong perspective" on human speech production / Hermann Ackermann and Wolfram Ziegler -- Neural mechanisms underlying the generation of birdsong : a modular sequential behavior / Michale S. Fee and Michael A. Long -- Auditory-vocal mirror neurons for learned vocal communication / Jonathan F. Prather and Richard Mooney -- Peripheral mechanisms of vocalization in birds : a comparison with human speech / Gabriël J.L. Beckers -- [part] V. Genes, song, speech, and language. Building bridges between genes, brains, and language / Simon E. Fisher -- A bird's-eye view of FoxP2 / Constance Scharff and Christopher K. Thompson -- Genetic basis of language : insights from developmental dyslexia / Franck Ramus -- [part] VI. Evolution of song, speech, and language. Musical protolanguage : Darwin's theory of language evolution revisited / W. Tecumseh Fitch -- Birdsong as a model for studying factors and mechanisms affecting signal evolution / Kazuo Okanoya -- Evolution of vocal communication : an avian model / Irene M. Pepperberg