front cover; copyright; table of contents; front matter; How to use this book; Frontispiece; Acknowledgements; Foreword; body; 1 John Berger, Ways of Seeing; 2 John Szarkowski, The Photographer's Eye and Stephen Shore, The Nature of Photographs; 3 Susan Sontag, On Photography; 4 Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida; 5 Martha Rosler, In, Around and Afterthoughts (On Documentary Photography); 6 Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Inside/Out; 7 Clive Scott, The Spoken Image: Photography and Language; 8 Andy Grundberg, The Crisis of the Real; 9 Raghubir Singh, River of Colour
10 Bertrand Russell, Appearance and Reality11 Italo Calvino, The Adventures of a Photographer; 12 Poems by Felix Morisseau-Leroy and George Szirtes; 13 Robert Adams', John Baldessari's and Peter Godwin's Analysis of Particular Photographs; back matter; Figures; Bibliography; Appendixes; Glossary; index; Also available from Focal Press
An essential guide to understanding critical theory in photography