pt. I. Going public. An idea whose time had come : imagining television, before 1940 ; Not going according to plan : remodeling the tube in a time of crisis, 1940-1947 ; Learning to live with television : technology, gender, and America's early TV audiences / Kathryn H. Fuller-Seeley -- pt. II. Becoming national. Here comes television : remaking American life, 1948-1954 ; The halcyon years : beyond anyone's wildest dream, 1955-1963 ; Television and the presidency : Eisenhower and Kennedy / Mary Ann Watson -- pt. III. Becoming international. A great awakening : prime time for network television, 1964-1975 ; The sky's the limit : satellites, cable, and the reinvention of television, 1976-1991 ; The changing face of television : Turner Broadcasting System / Jimmie L. Reeves, Michael M. Epstein -- pt. IV. Becoming global. The business of America is show business : U.S. TV in global context, 1992-present ; The greatest show on earth : The Cosby Show and the ascent of U.S. sitcoms in the global television marketplace / Timothy J. Havens ; Tune in locally, watch globally : the future of television in the age of the Internet.
Television is a form of media without equal. It has revolutionized the way we learn about and communicate with the world and has reinvented the way we experience ourselves and others. More than just cheap entertainment, TV is an undeniable component of our culture and contains many clues to who we are, what we value, and where we might be headed in the future.
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Columbia history of American television.
Television broadcasting-- Social aspects-- United States.
Television broadcasting-- United States-- History.