Introduction : Knowledge ascriptions : their semantics, cognitive bases, and social functions / Jessica Brown and Mikkel Gerken -- Words, concepts and epistemology / Jessica Brown -- Arguing for shifty epistemology / Jeremy Fantl and Matthew McGrath -- Knowledge, bets, and interests / Brian Weatherson -- Presuppositional epistemic contextualism and the problem of known presuppositions / Michael Blome-Tillman -- Abilities and know-how attributions / Ephraim Glick -- On the cognitive bases of knowledge ascriptions / Mikkel Gerken -- Mindreading in Gettier cases and skeptical pressure cases / Jennifer Nagel -- Knowledge, experiments, and practical interests / Ángel Pinillos -- Social functions of knowledge attributions / James R. Beebe -- Group knowledge attributions / Jennifer Lackey -- Epistemic scorekeeping / Patrick Rysiew