Includes bibliographical references (pages 339-355) and index.
'To bestow stability upon possession' : Hume's alternative to Locke / Jeremy Waldron -- Productive use in acquisition, accession, and labour theory / Eric R. Claeys -- Property and necessity / Dennis Klimchuk -- Private property and public welfare / Alan Brudner -- Average reciprocity of advantage / Brian Angelo Lee -- Some strings attached : the morality of proprietary estoppel / Irit Samet -- Possession and use / Arthur Ripstein -- Possession and the distractions of philosophy / Lisa M. Austin -- The relativity of title and causa possessionis / Larissa Katz -- Defining property rights / Simon Douglas and Ben McFarlane -- On the very idea of transmissible rights / James Penner -- Psychologies of property (and why property is not a hawk/dove game) / Carol M. Rose -- Property and disagreement / Stephen R. Munzer -- Emergent property / Henry E. Smith.