1. Introduction -- 2. Molecules in Electric Fields -- 3. Electrostatic Interactions between Molecules -- 4. Perturbation Theory of Intermolecular Forces at Long Range -- 5. Ab Initio Methods -- 6. Perturbation Theory of Intermolecular Forces at Short Range -- 7. Distributed Multipole Expansions -- 8. Short-range Effects -- 9. Distributed Polarizabilities -- 10. Many-body Effects -- 11. Interactions Involving Excited States -- 12. Practical Models for Intermolecular Potentials -- 13. Theory and Experiment -- App. A Cartesian Tensors -- App. B Spherical Tensors -- App. C Introduction to Perturbation Theory -- App. D Conversion Factors -- App. E Cartesian-Spherical Conversion Tables -- App. F Interaction Functions
Improved experimental and computational methods mean that more detailed measurements are available in the study of intermolecular forces. This book describes the advanced mathematical techniques required to cope with this improvement