Introduction: Exploring the IntUne corpus / Paul Bayley and Geoffrey Williams -- Representations of representation: European institutions in the French and British press / Nathalie Dugalès and Gordon Tucker -- Nation and supernation: a tale of three Europes / Geoffrey Williams, Roberta Piazza, and Delphine Giuliani -- Discourses of European identity in British, Italian, and French TV news / Joanna Thornborrow, Louann Haarman, and Alison Duguid -- Representing Europe: its people and its citizens. Does "Europe" have a common historical identity? / Anna Marchi and Alan Partington -- Semantic constructions of citizenship in the British, French, and Italian press / Paul Bayley, Delphine Giuliani, and Vanessa Serret -- Us and them: how immigrants are constructed in British and Italian newspapers / John Morley and Charlotte Taylor -- We in the Union: a Polish perspective on identity / Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Jerzy Tomaszczyk -- Legitimated persons and Vox Populi attitudes towards Europe in French, Italian, Polish, and UK tv news / Marco Venuti...[et al.] -- Conclusions: speaking in tongues about Europe / John Morley