Includes bibliographical references (pages 394-396) and index
I. The protagonists: party, peasants and nation : The peasants and the party ; The Ukrainian nationality and Leninism ; Revolution, peasant war and famine, 1917-1921 ; Stalemate, 1921-1927 -- II. To crush the peasantry : Collision course, 1928-1929 ; The fate of the 'Kulaks' ; Crash collectivization and its defeat, January-March 1930 ; The end of the free peasantry, 1930-1932 ; Central Asia and the Kazakh tragedy ; The churches and the people -- III. The terror-famine : Assault on the Ukraine / 1930-32 ; The famine rages ; A land laid waste ; Kuban, Don and Volga ; Children ; The death roll ; The record of the West ; Responsibilities -- Epilogue: The aftermath
Chronicles the events of 1929 to 1933 in the Ukraine when Stalin's Soviet Communist Party killed or deported millions of peasants; abolished privately held land and forced the remaining peasantry into "collective" farms; and inflicted impossible grain quotas on the peasants that resulted in mass starvation
Collectivization of agriculture-- Soviet Union-- History
Collectivization of agriculture-- Ukraine-- History