Entrepreneurship in the Gulf Cooperation Council :
guidelines for starting and managing businesses /
Alexandrina Maria Pauceanu
1 online resource (174)
Includes index
Includes bibliographical references and index
Front Cover; Entrepreneurship in the Gulf Cooperation Council; Entrepreneurship in the Gulf Cooperation Council: Guidelines for Starting and Managing Businesses; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Bibliography; 1 -- Introduction to Entrepreneurship ; Who Is an Entrepreneur?; Concept of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, and Enterprise; Entrepreneur; Personal Development for an Entrepreneur; Personal Financial Management for an Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurship; Enterprise; Decision to be an Entrepreneur; Reasons to Become an Entrepreneur
Case Study: A Small Business Enterprise in Salalah-Sadim Business ConsultingHave Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Contributed to the Omani Economy?; What Are the Roles of the Government in Saving Omani Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise?; Growth Opportunity for the Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise in Oman; Chapter Two Questions; Choose Either True or False; Multiple Choice Questions; References; 3 -- Business Feasibility Study ; Introduction; Benefits of Conducting a Feasibility Analysis for the Product/Service; How to Test a Business Idea; Components of Feasibility Analysis
Characteristics of an EntrepreneurTheories of Entrepreneurship; Economic Theories; Resource-Based Theories; Psychological Theories; Anthropological/Sociological Theories; Opportunity-Based Theory; Sociocultural Environment and Entrepreneurship; Case Study: Taleem Training and Skills Development Center, UAE; Women Entrepreneurs in Gulf Cooperation Council; Practical Steps to Become an Entrepreneur: Case Study/ rom Sultanate of Oman; Business Start-up; Steps in Business Start-up; Step 1: Make a Decision; Step 2: Decision on the Form of Business
Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Definition in Oman (Table 2.1)Current Trends of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Gulf Cooperation Council; Importance of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Gulf Cooperation Council; Contribution of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises to the Economy; Reasons Why the Support for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Gulf Region Is Different; Therefore, What Is a Good Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise Support Strategy in Gulf Cooperation Council Context?; Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Oman
Step 3: Decision on Joint Venture, Limited Company, or Sole ProprietorshipStep 4: Choice of a Business Name; Step 5: Business Location; Step 6: License and Other Documentation; Step 7: Business TIN and Bank Accounts; Myths on Entrepreneurship; Chapter One Questions; Choose Either True or False; Multiple Choice Questions; References; 2 -- Small and Medium Enterprises in Oman and GCC ; Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Gulf Cooperation Council; Introduction; Definition of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Gulf Cooperation Council