techniques for structural characterization of glycans /
Michael A. Madson
78 pages :
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 76-78)
Mass Spectral Analysis of Carbohydrates -- Isolation Methods for MS Analysis -- Component Monosaccharide Analysis by Acid Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Glycan and Qualitative Chromatographic Identification by HPLC -- Identification of Glycoses Versus Glycitols by HPAEC-PAD Difference Chromatograms -- The Methods for Preparing an Oligosaccharide Reducing Glycan from a Glycoprotein, Linked Through O-Glycosidic Linkage
This book presents new methods for conducting detailed carbohydrate qualitative analysis--arming analytical chemists, pharmaceutical scientists, and food scientists with a quick reference that will allow them to determine the structures of carbohydrates molecules