Hydrologic exchange flows and their ecological consequences in river corridors / J.W. Harvey -- Shaping the physical template: biological, hydrological, and geomorphic connections in stream channels / J.P. Julian [and 7 others] -- Stream microbial ecology in a changing environment / S. Findlay -- Metabolism of streams and rivers: estimation, controls, and application / Robert O. Hall, Jr. -- Nutrient spiraling and transport in streams: the importance of in-stream biological processes to nutrient dynamics in streams / J.R. Webster, J.D. Newbold, L. LIn -- Dissolved organic matter in stream ecosystems: forms, functions, and fluxes of watershed tea / L.A. Kaplan, R.M. Cory -- Stream-lake interaction: understanding coupled hydro-ecological systems / M.A. Baker [and 4 others] -- From headwaters to rivers to river networks: scaling in stream ecology / W.M. Wollheim -- Landscape and regional stream ecology / E.H. Stanley, R.A. Sponseller, J.B. Heffernan -- Global models of river biogeochemical functioning / D. Scott, Z. Easton, M. Rogers -- Human impacts on stream hydrology and water quality / K. Van Meter, S.E. Thompson, N.B. Basu -- Human-dominated rivers and river management in the Anthropocene / T.V. Royer -- Synthesis and conclusions / J.B. Jones, E.H. Stanley