Virus species -- A theory-based pragmatism for discovering and classifying newly divergent bacterial species -- Population structure of pathogenic bacteria -- Epidemiology and evolution of fungal pathogens in plants and animals -- Clonal evolution -- Coevolution of host and pathogen -- Elucidating human migrations by means of their pathogens -- Phylogenetic analysis of pathogens -- Evolutionary responses to infectious disease -- Infectious disease genomics -- Proteomics and host-pathogen interactions: a bright future? -- The evolution of antibiotic resistance -- General mechanisms of antiviral resistance -- Evolution of resistance to insecticide in disease vectors -- Genetics of major insect vectors -- Modern morphometrics of medically important insects -- Multilocus sequence typing of pathogens -- Omics, bioinformatics, and infectious disease research -- Genomics of infectious diseases and private industry -- Current progress in the pharmacogenetics of infectious disease therapy -- Genetic exchange in trypanosomatids and its relevance to epidemiology -- Genomic insights into the past, current and future evolution of human parasites of the genus plasmodium -- Integrated genetic epidemiology of chagas disease -- The rise and fall of the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex -- The evolution and dynamics of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus -- Origin and emergence of HIV-AIDS -- Evolution of SARS coronavirus and the relevance of modern molecular epidemiology --Ecology and evolution of avian influenza viruses