Basic notions of logic -- Background -- Why study logic? -- Sentences, truth-values, and arguments -- Deductive validity and soundness -- Inductive arguments -- Logical consistency, truth, falsity, and equivalence -- Special cases of validity -- Sentential logic : symbolization and syntax -- Symbolization and truth-functional connectives -- Syntax complex symbolizations -- Non-truth-functional connectives -- The syntax of SL -- Sentential logic : semantics -- Truth-value assignments and truth-tables for sentences -- Truth-functional truth, falsity, and indeterminacy -- Truth-functional equivalence -- Truth-functional consistency -- Truth-functional entailment and truth-functional validity -- Truth-functional properties and truth-functional consistency -- Sentential logic : truth-trees -- The truth-tree method -- Truth-tree rules for sentences containing -- Rules for sentences containing and more complex truth-trees -- Using truth-trees to test for truth-functional truth, falsity, and indeterminacy -- Truth-functional equivalence -- Truth-functional entailment and truth-functional validity -- Sentential logic : derivations --The derivation system SD -- Basic concepts of SD -- Strategies for constructing derivations in SD -- The derivation system SD1 -- Sentential logic : metatheory -- Mathematical induction -- Truth-functional completeness -- The soundness of SD and SD1 -- The completeness of SD and SD1 -- Predicate logic : symbolization and syntax -- The limitations of SL -- Predicates, individual constants, and quantity terms of English -- Introduction to PL --Quantifiers introduced -- The formal syntax of PL -- A, E, I, O, U and O sentences -- Symbolization techniques -- Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope -- Identity, definite descriptions, properties of relations, and functions -- Predicate logic : semantics -- Informal semantics for PL -- Quantificational truth, falsehood, and indeterminacy -- Quantificational equivalence and consistency -- Quantificational entailment and validity -- Truth-functional expansions -- Semantics for predicate logic with identity and functors -- Formal semantics of PL and PLE -- Predicate logic : truth-trees -- Expanding the rules for truth-trees -- Truth-trees and quantificational consistency -- Truth-trees and other semantic properties -- Fine-tuning the tree method -- Trees for PLE -- Fine-tuning the tree method for PLE -- Predicate logic : derivations -- The derivation system PD -- Using derivations to establish syntactic properties of pd -- The derivation system PD1 -- The derivation system PDE -- Predicate logic : metatheory -- Semantic preliminaries for PL -- Semantic preliminaries for PLE -- The soundness of PD and PDE -- The completeness of PD, PD1, and PDE -- The soundness of the tree method -- The completeness of the tree metho