Official GRE quantitative reasoning practice questions.
Volume 1 /
xii, 340 pages :
illustrations (some color) ;
28 cm
Overview of the GRE quantitative reasoning measure -- Text content -- Arithmetic -- Algebra -- Geometry -- Data analysis -- Mixed practice sets -- Appendix A. GRE math review -- Appendix B. Mathematical conventions for the quantitative reasoning measure of the GRE revised general test
Provides former test questions with answers and explanations to help students master the Quantitative Reasoning section of the GRE, and includes test-taking strategies and information about the test content, structure, scoring, and more
Official Graduate Record Examination quantitative reasoning practice questions
GRE quantitative reasoning practice questions
Educational tests and measurements, Study guides
Graduate Record Examination, Problems, exercises, etc
Mathematics, Problems, exercises, etc
Universities and colleges-- Examinations, Study guides
Word problems (Mathematics), Problems, exercises, etc