Discussions from the World Archaeological Congress held in Southampton, England, Sept. 1986
Includes bibliographical references and index
The political use of Australian Aboriginal body painting and its archaeological implications / Robert Layton -- Terracotta worship in fringe Bengal / D.K. Bhattacharya -- Iron and beads : male and female symbols of creation. A study of ornament among Booran Oromo / Aneesa Kassam and Gemetchu Megersa -- The messages of material behaviour : a preliminary discussion of non-verbal meaning / Roland Fletcher -- Religious cults and ritual practice among the Mendi people of the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea / Theodore Mawe -- Sites as texts : an exploration of Mousterian traces / Lucy Jayne Botscharow -- Style and changing relations between the individual and society / Polly Wiessner -- Post-modernism, post-structuralism and post-processual archaeology / Ian Hodder -- 'We, the post-megalithic people ... ' / Felipe Criado -- The diffusion of religious symbols within complex societies / L. Carless Hulin -- Social evidence from the interpretation of Middle Minoan figurines / Angeliki Pilali-Papasteriou -- The priestess figure of Malta / Cristina Biaggi -- Ethno-archaeological cognition and cognitive ethno-archaeology / Zbigniew Kobyliński -- Heresy and its traces : the material results of culture / K. Teague -- Etics, emics and empathy in archaeological theory / E.M. Melas -- Bark capes, arrowheads and Concorde : on social representations of technology / Pierre Lemonnier -- The artefact as abbreviated act : a social interpretation of material culture / Miles Richardson -- The material symbols of the Winnebago sky and Earth moieties / Robert L. Hall -- Interpreting material culture / Christopher Tilley -- Divine kingdoms in northern Africa : material manifestations of social institutions / Else Johansen Kleppe -- Towards an archaeology of thought / Whitney Davis -- Tusona ideographs -- a lesson in interpretive objectivity / Gerhard Kubik -- Organizational constraints on tattoo images : a sociological analysis of artistic style / Clinton R. Sanders -- A semiotic approach in rock-art analysis / Ana Maria Llamazares -- Habitus and social space : some suggestions about meaning in the Saami (Lapp) tent ca. 1700-1900 / Timothy Yates
Meanings of things.
Meanings of things.
Ethnoarchaeology, Congresses
Material culture, Congresses
Social archaeology, Congresses
Symbolism, Congresses
Congrès-- 1986-- Southampton
Ethnoarchéologie-- Congrès
Société primitive-- Congrès
Southampton-- Congrès-- 1986
Symbolisme-- Congrès
Hodder, Ian
World Archaeological Congress(1st :1986 :, Southampton, England)