Contents: Preliminaries -- Controller and engine simulation implementation -- Controller and engine simulation on the INMOS transputer -- Alternative approaches to parallel processing/the butterfly plus and helios systems -- Formal methods and system specifications -- Failure management and its application in gas turbine engine control -- Concluding remarks -- Appendix A: Hardware development -- Appendix B: Helios default maps -- Appendix C: Text of section 21 of DS 00-55 -- Appendix D: Evaluation measures of fault tolerant techniques -- Appendix E: Overview of fault tolerant designs already realised -- The fault integrator -- Formal expression of overlapping triads technique -- Self-test procedure.
Parallel Processing Applications for Jet Engine Control is a volume in the new Advances in Industrial Control series, edited by Professor M.J. Grimble and Dr. M.A. Johnson of the Industrial Control Unit, University of Strathclyde. The book describes the mapping and load balancing of gas turbine engine and controller simulations onto arrays of transputers. It compares the operating system for transputers and the Uniform System upon the Butterfly Plus computer. The problem of applying formal methods to parallel asychronous processors is addressed, implementing novel fault tolerant systems to meet real-time flight control requirements. The book presents real-time closed-loop results highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of Occam and the transputer. Readers will find that this book provides valuable material for researchers in both academia and the aerospace industry.