edited by Cornelia Spitzer, Ulrich Schmocker, Vinh N. Dang.
London :
Imprint: Springer,
From the contents: HRA Applications -- Bridges -- MC Simulation -- Approaches and Initiatives -- Analysis and Design of Dependable Software Systems -- General Issues -- External Costs and Accidents Risks -- Level 1 PSA -- International CCF Data Exchange -- Risk Assessment: General Aspects I -- Human Reliability Management across Industries -- Design of Structures -- Aviation: Accident and Safety -- Methods and Simulations -- Software Issues in PRA -- National Regulatory Practices -- Sustainability Assessment -- Level 2 PSA and Severe Accident Analysis -- Component Failure Databases -- Risk Assessment: General Aspects II -- Fire and Structures -- Aviation: Air Traffic Applications -- MC Simulation in Structural Mechanics -- Emergency Management Systems and Lessons Learned -- Software/Hardware Diversity and Failure Dependence -- National Regulatory Practices 2 -- Energy Liabilities -- Special Aspects and Lessons Learned -- Risk Assessment: Special Models (ARAMIS Project) -- Aircraft Design, Maintenance and Modeling.
Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management is a collection of papers presented at the PSAM 7 - ESREL '04 Conference in June 2004. The joint Conference provided a forum for the presentation of the latest developments in methodology and application of probabilistic and reliability methods in various industries. The aim of these applications is the optimisation of technological systems and processes from the perspective of a risk-informed safety management while also taking economic and environmental aspects into account. Bringing together leading experts from all over the world, the papers reflect a wide variety of disciplines, such as principles and theory of reliability and risk analysis, systems modelling and simulation, consequence assessment, human and organisational factors, structural reliability methods, software reliability and safety, insights and lessons from risk studies and management/decision making.