edited by Brijesh Tiwari, Nigel Brunton, Charles S. Brennan.
Hoboken [N.J.] :
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Plant food phytochemicals -- Chemistry and classification -- Phytochemicals and health -- Pharmacology of phytochemicals -- Fruit and vegetables -- Food grains -- Plantation crops and tree nuts -- Food processing by-products -- On farm and fresh produce management -- Minimal processing of leafy vegetables -- Effect of thermal processing on phytochemicals -- Effect of novel thermal processing on phytochemicals -- Effect of non thermal processing on phytochemicals -- Stability of phytochemicals during grain processing -- Factors affecting phytochemical stability -- Stability of phytochemicals during storage -- Conventional extraction techniques for phytochemicals -- Novel extraction techniques for phytochemicals -- Analytical techniques for phytochemicals -- Antioxidant activity of phytochemicals -- Industrial applications of phytochemicals.