edited by Constantin Zopounidis, Panos M. Pardalos.
Boston, MA :
Imprint: Springer,
Applied Optimization,
1384-6485 ;
A review of country risk assessment approaches: New empirical evidence -- Political risk and stock market development -- Construction of a simplified index of country risk: The case of Europe -- The importance of order for the decision in uncertainty -- Business and economic education - criteria for choice of studies and student expectations -- Chaotic oscillations in real economic time series data: Evaluation of logistic model fit and forecasting performance -- Evaluation of a neuro-fuzzy scheme forecasting exchange rates -- Economics of energy and treatment of uncertainty to incorporate environmental considerations in investment decisions -- Mergers in the Spanish savings banks and their presence in the market: A cause-effect analysis on an autonomous scale -- On distributions for stock returns: A survey of empirical investigations -- A case study of use of artificial options in the Athens Stock Exchange -- Multicriteria decision aid in credit cards assessment -- Memory-based advertising effectiveness techniques: Recall versus recognition -- Controlling uncertainty in a Spanish national and European setting faced with illicit advertising -- Theory and practice about risk in the incorrect management associations between store image and private label products in Spanish supermarkets -- The effectiveness of the shopwindow and its relationship with the types of consumer purchase. An empirical study -- Identifying consumer's preferences using artificial neural network techniques -- Market simulations via rule induction: A machine learning approach -- Artificial neural networks systems for multiple criteria decision making -- Study of determinant factors in the associationism of the franchisors in Spain -- Franchising: All around the world -- Forecasting in marketing planning. Forecasting performance of the logistic model and applications of S-4 model -- Implementation of a performance measurement framework in Greek manufacture: An empirical research -- Dialectic approach of risks' perception (the case of prefecture of Thessaloniki) -- Investigation of the urban risk system of Thessaloniki's city complex -- Manager motivation facing the imponderable of uncertainty -- Application of multivariate techniques to assess the relationship between organizational culture and innovation process -- The establishment of cooperative agreements among SMEs: An appropriate way to reduce uncertainty -- Firms facing uncertainty: The cooperation option -- Social economy organizations in a world in transition -- Total quality management in action: Implementing ways in Spanish companies -- Budgetary control based on activities cost, total quality and ISO 9000 norms -- Causes of changes in top management -- Part-time work in Europe: A review of major trends -- Unknown loss in Spain: Concern about the distribution sector -- Author Index.
This book provides a new point of view on the subject of the management of uncertainty. It covers a wide variety of both theoretical and practical issues involving the analysis and management of uncertainty in the fields of finance, management and marketing. Audience: Researchers and professionals from operations research, management science and economics.