APPENDIX E: Laplace-Stieltjes TransformsAPPENDIX F: Laplace Transforms; APPENDIX G: Modes of Convergence; APPENDIX H: Results from Analysis; APPENDIX I: Difference and Differential Equations; References; Index; Back cover.
Based on the author's more than 25 years of teaching experience, Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition covers the most important classes of stochastic processes used in the modeling of diverse systems, from supply chains and inventory systems to genetics and biological systems. For each class of stochastic process, the text includes its definition, characterization, applications, transient and limiting behavior, first passage times, and cost/reward models. Along with reorganizing the material, this edition revises and adds new exercises and examples. New to the second edi.
Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition.