University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill April 15-17, 1982 /
edited by Paul H. Frampton, Sheldon L. Glashow, Hendrik Dam.
Boston, MA :
Imprint: Birkhäuser,
Progress in Physics ;
Magnetic Monopoles about us -- GUD: Giant Underground Track-Detector, a Project for the Gran Sasso Laboratory -- Gauge Symmetry Breaking which Preserves Supersymmetry -- The UCI Mobile Neutrino Oscillation Experiment -- Supersymmetry at Ordinary Energy -- The Kami Oka Proton Decay Experiment -Present Status- -- Geometric Hierarchy -- The Homestake Spectrometer a One-Mile Deep 1400-Ton Liquid Scintillation Nucleon Decay Detector -- Complex Anomaly-Free Representations for Grand Unification -- Nucleon Decay Experiment at Kolar Gold Fields -- From Flux Quantization to Magnetic Monopoles -- Composite/Fundamental Higgs Meson -- Search for Proton Decay - The HPW Deep Underground Water Cerenkov Detector -- Supersymmetry, Grand Unification and Proton Decay -- Neutrino Oscillation Experiments at Accelerators -- Cosmological Constraints on Witten's Hierarchy Mechanism -- The Lepton Asymmetry of the Universe -- Status of the Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven Nucleon Decay Search -- Fractionally-Charged Color Singlets -- Neutrino Masses from ß End-Point Measurements -- Neutrino Weight Watching -- Planning for the Next Generation of Proton Decay Experiments in the United States -- Recent Developments of the Invisible Axion -- Neutron Antineutron Conversion Experiments -- Mass of the t-Quark -- The Mont-Blanc Fine Grain Experiment on Nucleon Stability -- Where is Supersymmetry Broken? -- Organizing Committee -- List of Participants -- Program.
This workshop held at the University of North Carolina was in the series which started with meetings in the University of New Hampshire (April 1980) and the University of Michigan (April 1981). More than one hundred participants congregated in the Carolina Inn in April 1982 to discuss the status of grand unified theories and their connection to experiment. The spring foliage of Chapel Hill provided a beautiful back-drop to this Third Workshop on Grand Unification. As mentioned in the first talk herein, these three workshops have heard of indications, respectively, of neutrino oscillations, proton decay and a magnetic monopole. Since all three experimental reports remain unconfirmed, grand unifiers must wait expectantly and patiently. These proceedings preserve faithfully the ordering of the workshop talks which followed the tradition of alternation between theory and experiment. Only our introduction will segregate them. The experimental presentations mainly concerned proton decay and massive neutrinos. Four U.S. proton decay experiments were reported: the Brookhaven Irvine-Michigan experiment in the Morton Salt Mine at Fairport Harbor, Ohio was described by WILLIAM KROPP, and ROBERT MORSE represented the Harvard-Purdue-Wisconsin group in the Silver King Mine, Utah. The Homestake Mine, South Dakota and Soudan Mine, Minnesota, experiments were reported respectively by RICHARD STEINBERG and DAVID AYRES, the latter providing also a survey of future U.S. experiments.