Singular health care of women. Preventive care. Preventive care of adolescents -- Preventive care of adults (19 to 65 years) -- Preventive care for older adults -- Cigarette smoking and cessation -- Nutrition -- Exercise. Psychosocial health. Psychosocial health of well women through the life cycle. Sexuality. Sexuality and sexual dysfunction through the life cycle -- Contraception -- Infertility and adoption -- Special issues with lesbian partners -- Medical care in pregnancy: common preconception and antepartum issues. Genitourinary medicine. Menstrual disorders -- Sexaully transmitted diseases -- Vaginitis -- Chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and dyspareunia -- The papanicolaou smear and cervical cancer -- Endometrial cancer and postmenopausal bleeding -- Ovarian cancer and ovarian masses -- Urinary incontinence and infections. Breast disorders. Benign breast disorders -- Breast cancer screening. Psychological disorders. Woman battering -- Rape and the consequences of sexual assault -- Depression and premenstrual syndrome -- Addiction -- Eating disorders. Common medical problems. Coronary heart disease -- Diabetes mellitus type II -- Thyroid disorders -- Hypertension and stroke -- Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Evidence-based medicine, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Women-- Health and hygiene, Handbooks, manuals, etc.