Proposed specifications for LRFD soil-nailing design and construction
Carlos A. Lazarte.
Washington, D.C. :
Transportation Research Board,
1 online resource (1 v. (various pagings)) :
NCHRP report,
0077-5614 ;
"This report contains proposed specifications for the design and construction of soil-nailed retaining structures. Despite their advantages in cut applications, these structures are not available to some state DOTs, due to the lack of guidance for their use in AASHTO's standard specifications based on load and resistance factor design (LRFD)."
At head of title: National Cooperative Highway Research Program.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 67-69).
Proposed specifications for LRFD soil-nailing design and construction.
Proposed specifications for Load and Resistance Factor Design soil-nailing design and construction
Retaining walls-- Design and construction.
Soil nailing.
Soil stabilization.
Lazarte, Carlos Alberto.
United States., Federal Highway Administration.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Knovel (Firm)
National Cooperative Highway Research Program.
National Research Council (U.S.)., Transportation Research Board.