Bjoern Ludwig ; [translator], Dirk Bister ; [reviewer], Sebastian Baumgaertel ; with contributions by Franziska Bock ... [et al.].
Stuttgart, Germany :
Includes index.
The development and history of fixed appliances / Franziska Bock -- Materials / Bjoern Ludwig and Bettina Glasl -- Bracket systems / Heiko Goldbecher -- Diagnosis / Bjoern Ludwig and Bettina Glasl -- Oral hygiene / Heiko Goldbecher and Jens Bock -- Bonding techniques / Heiko Goldbecher and Jens Bock -- Treatment / Bjoern Ludwig and Bettina Glasl -- Auxiliary equipment and techniques / Bjoern Ludwig, Bettina Glasl, and Thomas Lietz -- Retention and stability / Bettina Glasl and Bjoern Ludwig.