Linguistic structures as cues for social-cognitive functions : introduction / Hanna Pishwa -- Social cognition and language -- The origin of the social approach in language and cognitive research exemplified by studies into the origin of language / Nathalie Gontier -- Fused Bodies : sense-making as a phenomenon of interacting, knowledgeable, social bodies / Anders R. Hougaard and Gitte R. Hougaard -- Supracultural models, universalism and relativism : the language of personhood in Chinese and American cultures / Jason D. Patent -- The development of Turkish and Finnish words related to privacy / Mai Kuha and M. Ali Bolgün -- On collective cognition and language / Farzad Sharifian -- Social cognition and discourse -- Conversational pragmatics and social cognition / Thomas Holtgraves and Blake M. Anderson -- The creative construction of social orientation : Situated positioning with English as a lingua franca / Andreas Langlotz -- Constructing knowledge schemas in the workplace : a microanalysis / Susan Bridges and Brendan Bartlett -- Corporate self-presentation and self-centredness : a case for cognitive critical discourse analysis / Veronika Koller -- Distributed cognition and play in the quest for the double helix / L. David Ritchie -- Social aspects of verbal irony use / Roger J. Kreuz and Gina M. Caucci -- Social cognitive functions of single structures -- Attribution theories wired into linguistic categories / Klaus Fieder and Peter Freytag -- Tuned to hidden messages : exploring recurrent word combinations in English / Rainer Schulze -- Emotion talk and emotional talk : cognitive and discursive perspectives / Monika Bednarek -- From motion to emotion to interpersonal function : the case of fear predicates / Eliza Kitis -- Metaphor in mental representations of space, time and society: the cognitive linguistics approach / Paul Chilton.