Introduction -- North America. Do you know who your friends are? an analysis of voting patterns and alliances on the reality television show survivor / Erich M. Hayes and Norah E. Dunbar -- Reality television and computer-mediated identity: offline exposure and online behavior / Michael A. Stefanone, Derek Lackaff, and Devan Rosen -- Europe. You'll see, you'll watch: the success of big brother in Post-Communist Bulgaria / Maria Raicheva-Stover -- Gok Wan and the magical wardrobe / Gareth Palmer -- Slovene reality television: the commercial re-inscription of the national / Zala Volcic and Mark Andrejevic -- Talking about big brother: interpersonal communication about a controversial television format / Helena Bilandzic and Matthias R. Hastall -- The Middle East. Reality vs. reality tv: news coverage in Israeli media at the time of reality tv / Dror Abend-David -- Real love has no boundaries? dating reality tv shows between global format and local-cultural conflicts / Motti Neiger -- The seal of culture in format adaptations: Singing for a dream on Turkish television / Sevilay Celenk -- The praise and the critique of a nasty format: an analysis of the public discourse concerning reality tv in Israel / Amir Hetsroni -- Cross-cultural studies. Performing the nation: a cross-cultural comparison of idol shows in four countries / Oren Livio -- Mobile makeovers: global and local lifestyles and identities in reality formats / Tania Lewis -- From reality tv to coaching tv: elements of theory and empirical findings towards understanding the genre / Jürgen Grimm -- Reality nations: an international comparison of the historical reality genre / Emily West.