1. Syriza : the dream that became a nightmare / Panagiotis Sotiris -- 2. Greece : turning "No" into a political front / Stathis Kouvelakis -- 3. Cyprus at the crossroads / Leandros Fischer & Daphnos Economou -- 4. The Left and the "Swedish Model" / Petter Nilsson & David Zachariah -- 5. The Iceland myth / Vidar Thorsteinsson -- 6. Resurrecting the Italian Left / David Broder -- 7. What happened to the French Left? / Clément Petitjean -- 8. The Dutch Socialist Party : from sect to mass party / Alex de Jong -- 9. Germany : in the eye of the storm / Mark Bergfeld -- 10. The adaptable Sinn Féin / Daniel Finn -- 11. The making of Jeremy Corbyn / Hilary Wainwright -- 12. The deferred Portuguese revolution / Catarina Príncipe -- 13. From the Indignados to Podemos? / Luke Stobart.