Stuart I. Greenbaum, Washington University in St. Louis, Anjan V. Thakor, Washington University in St. Louis, Arnoud W.A. Boot, University of Amsterdam.
Third edition.
Waltham, MA :
Academic Press,
Includes bibliographical references and index.
In Contemporary Financial Intermediation, Third Edition, Greenbaum, Thakor and Boot offer a distinctive approach to financial markets and institutions, presenting an integrated portrait that puts information at the core. Instead of simply naming and describing markets, regulations, and institutions as competing books do, the authors explore the endless subtlety and plasticity of financial institutions and credit markets. This edition has six new chapters and increased, enhanced pedagogical supplements. The book is ideal for anyone working in the financial sector, presenting professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the reasons why markets, institutions, and regulators act as they do. Readers will find an unmatched, thorough discussion of the world's financial markets and how they function.--