Chaos, information processing and paradoxical games :
the legacy of John S Nicolis /
editors Gregoire Nicolis, Vasileios Basios.
pages cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Bohmian trajectories in the scattering problem / G. Contopoulos, N. Delis and C. Efthymiopoulos -- Scaling properties of the Lorenz system and dissipative Nambu mechanics / M. Axenides and E. Floratos -- Extreme events in nonlinear lattices / G.P. Tsironis, N. Lazarides, A. Maluckov and Lj. Hadzievski -- Coarse graining appraoch to chaos / D. Mac Kernan -- Multifractal chaos : a hierarchical approach / T. Xing , J. Wojcik , M.A. Zaks and A. Shilnikov -- Quantum theory of Jaynes' principle, Bayes' theorem, and information / H. Haken -- Information processing with Page--Wootters states / S. Nicolis -- Stochastic resonance and information processing / C. Nicolis -- Selforganisation of symbols and information / W. Ebeling and R. Feistel -- Historical contingency in controlled evolution -- Long-range order and fractality in the structure and organization of eukaryotic genomes / D. Polychronopoulos, G. Tsiagkas, L. Athanasopoulou, D. Sellis and Y. Almirantis -- Towards resolving the enigma of HOX gene collinearity / S. Papageorgiou -- Thermodynamics of cerebral cortex assayed by measures of mass action / W.J. Freeman -- Describing the neuron axons network of the human brain by continuous flow models / J. Hizanidis, P. Katsaloulis, D.A. Verganelakis and A. Provata -- Cognition and language : from apprehension to judgement--quantum conjectures / F.T. Arecchi -- Dynamical systems++ for a theory of biological system / K. Kaneko -- Logic dynamics for deductive inference its stability and neural basis / I. Tsuda -- Microscopic approach to species coexistence based on evolutionary game dynamics / C. Grebogi, Y.-Ch. Lai, and Wen-Xu Wang -- Phase transitions in models of bird flocking / H. Christodoulidi , K. van der Weele, Ch.G. Antonopoulos and T. Bountis -- Animal construction as a free boundary problem : evidence of fractal scaling laws / S.C. Nicolis -- Extended self organised criticality in asynchronously tuned cellular automata / Y.-P. Gunji -- A posthumous dialogue with John Nicolis : IERU / O.E. Rössler.