Foundations of software science and computation structures
Third International Conference, FOSSACS 2000, held as part of the Joint European Conference on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2000, Berlin, Germany, March 25-April 2, 2000 : proceedings /
Jerzy Tiuryn (ed.).
New York :
x, 390 p. :
ill. ;
24 cm.
Lecture notes in computer science,
0302-9743 ;
Norm functions for probabilistic bisimulations with delays / Christel Baier, Mariëlle Stoelinga -- Constructor subtyping in the calculus of inductive constructions / Gilles Barthe, Femke van Raamsdonk -- Verifying performance equivalence for timed basic parallel processes / Beatrice Bérard, Anne Labroue, Philippe Schnoebelen -- On word rewriting systems having a rational derivation / Didier Caucal -- Proof nets and explicit substitutions / Roberto Di Cosmo, Delia Kesner, Emmanuel Polonovski -- Typing local definitions and conditional expressions with rank 2 intersection / Ferruccio Damiani -- Hierarchical graph transformation / Frank Drewes, Berthold Hoffmann, Detlef Plump -- A program refinement framework supporting reasoning about knowledge and time / Kai Engelhardt, Ron van der Meyden, Yoram Moses -- A higher-order simulation relation for system F / Jo Erskine Hannay -- Probabilistic asynchronous [pi]-calculus / Oltea Mihaela Herescu, Catuscia Palamidessi -- Constructive data refinement in typed lambda calculus / Furio Honsell ... [et al.] -- On recognizable stable trace languages / Jean-François Husson, Rémi Morin -- The state explosion problem from trace to bisimulation equivalence / François Laroussinie, Philippe Schnoebelen -- A proof system for timed automata / Huimin Lin, Wang Yi -- Categorical models for intuitionistic and linear type theory / Maria Emilia Maietti, Valeria de Paiva, Eike Ritter -- Locality and polyadicity in asynchronous name-passing calculi / Massimo Merro -- On rational graphs / Christophe Morvan -- Sequential and concurrent abstract machines for interaction nets / Jorge Sousa Pinto -- On synchronous and asynchronous mobile processes / Paola Quaglia, David Walker -- Type inference for first-order logic / Aleksy Schubert -- An algebraic foundation for adaptive programming / Peter Thiemann -- Predicate logic and tree automata with tests / Ralf Treinen -- Compositional verification in linear-time temporal logic / Yih-Kuen Tsay -- On the semantics of refinement calculi / Hongseok Yang, Uday S. Reddy -- Subtyping and typing algorithms for mobile ambients / Pascal Zimmer.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Foundations of software science and computation structures : Third International Conference, FOSSACS 2000, held as part of the Joint European Conference on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2000, Berlin, Germany, March 25-April 2, 2000 : proceedings