6th International Conference, Paris, France, September 2000 ; proceedings /
Marc Schoenauer [and others]
xxi, 914 pages :
illustrations ;
23 cm
Lecture notes in computer science ;
Includes bibliographical references and index
Interacting Trajectories in Design Space and Niche Space: A Philosopher Speculates About Evolution / A. Sloman -- Language as a Complex Adaptive System / L. Steels -- Cellular Evolutionary Algorithms: Evaluating the Influence of Ratio / E. Alba and J.M. Troya -- Efficiency and Mutation Strength Adaptation of the ([mu], [mu][subscript I], [lambda])-ES in a Noisy Environment / D.V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer -- An Analysis of the Configuration Space of the Maximal Constraint Satisfaction Problem / M. Belaidouni and J.-K. Hao -- On the Desired Behaviors of Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms / H.-G. Beyer and K. Deb -- Practical Implications of New Results in Conservation of Optimizer Performance / T.M. English -- Large Deviations, Evolutionary Computation and Comparisons of Algorithms / O. Francois -- On the Choice of the Mutation Probability for the (1+1) EA / T. Jansen and I. Wegener -- The Genetic Code-Like Transformations and Their Effect on Learning Functions / H. Kargupta -- Perturbation Theory for Evolutionary Algorithms: Towards an Estimation of Convergence Speed / Y. Landrin-Schweitzer and E. Lutton -- Statistical Characteristics of Evolution Strategies / Y. Matsumura, K. Ohkura and K. Ueda -- Consensus Sequence Plots and Error Thresholds: Tools for Visualising the Structure of Fitness Landscapes / G. Ochoa -- Experiments with Tuneable Fitness Landscapes / C.R. Reeves -- Introducing a New Persistence Measure / O. Sharpe -- An Analysis of Dynamic Severity and Population Size / K. Weicker -- Functions as Permutations: Regarding No Free Lunch, Walsh Analysis and Summary Statistics / D. Whitley -- Distributed Hybrid Genetic Programming for Learning Boolean Functions / S. Droste, D. Heutelbeck and I. Wegener -- Genetic Programming with Dynamic Fitness for a Remote Sensing Application / C. Fonlupt and D. Robilliard -- Genetic Programming Bloat without Semantics / W.B. Langdon and W. Banzhaf -- Genetic Programming and Domain Knowledge: Beyond the Limitations of Grammar-Guided Machine Discovery / A. Ratle and M. Sebag -- Polymorphy and Hybridization in Genetically Programmed Networks / A. Silva, A. Neves and E. Costa -- Building Optimal Committees of Genetic Programs / B.-T. Zhang and J.-G. Joung -- Distributed Simulated Annealing for Job Shop Scheduling / A. Albrecht, U. Der and K. Steinhfel / [and others] -- Anticipation in Dynamic Optimization: The Scheduling Case / J. Branke and D.C. Mattfeld -- Multirecombinated Evolutionary Algorithms for the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem / S.C. Esquivel, F. Zuppa and R.H. Gallard -- GA Based on the UV-Structure Hypothesis and Its Application to JSP / K. Ikeda and S. Kobayashi -- Neighbourhood Based Robustness Applied to Tardiness and Total Flowtime Job Shops / M.T. Jensen -- Solving Extended Hybrid-Flow-Shop Problems Using Active Schedule Generation and Genetic Algorithms / M. Kreutz, D. Hanke and S. Gehlen -- A Comparison of Genetic Algorithms for the Static Job Shop Scheduling Problem / M. Vazquez and D. Whitley -- An Empirical Study on GAs "Without Parameters" / Th. Back, A.E. Eiben and N.A.L. van der Vaart -- Using Dynastic Exploring Recombination to Promote Diversity in Genetic Search / C. Cotta and J.M. Troya -- Adaptive Control of the Mutation Probability by Fuzzy Logic Controllers / F. Herrera and M. Lozano -- A Comparison of Two Representations for the Fixed Charge Transportation Problem / J. Gottlieb and C. Eckert -- Invariance, Self-Adaptation and Correlated Mutations and Evolution Strategies / N. Hansen -- Theoretical Analysis of Simplex Crossover for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms / T. Higuchi, S. Tsutsui and M. Yamamura -- Applying Self-Organised Criticality to Evolutionary Algorithms / T. Krink, P. Rickers and R. Thomsen -- Genetic Algorithms Clustering, and the Breaking of Symmetry / M. Pelikan and D.E. Goldberg -- Pruefer Numbers and Genetic Algorithms: A Lesson on How the Low Locality of an Encoding Can Harm the Performance of GAs / F. Rothlauf and D.E. Goldberg -- Median-Selection for Parallel Steady-State Evolution Strategies / J. Wakunda and A. Zell -- The Origination of Diversity by Adaptive Clustering / N. Walton and G.D. Smith -- Symbiotic Combination as an Alternative to Sexual Recombination in Genetic Algorithms / R.A. Watson and J.B. Pollack -- Island Model Cooperating with Speciation for Multimodal Optimization / M. Bessaou, A. Petrowski and P. Siarry -- Optimizing through Co-evolutionary Avalanches / S. Boettcher, A.G. Percus and M. Grigni -- Evolution of Altruism in Viscous Populations: Effects of Altruism on the Evolution of Migrating Behavior / P. den Dulk and M. Brinkers -- A Game-Theoretic Approach to the Simple Coevolutionary Algorithm / S.G. Ficici and J.B. Pollack -- The Number of People with Whom a Man Interacts / M. Kubo, H. Satoh and Y. Inoue / [and others] -- NK-Landscapes as Test Functions for Evaluation of Host-Parasite Algorithms / B. Olsson -- Towards Balanced Coevolution / J. Paredis -- Spatial Games with Adaptive Tit-For-Tats / E.S. Tzafestas -- Competitive Segmentation: A Struggle for Image Space / C.J. Veenman, M.J.T. Reinders and E. Backer -- An Adaptive Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Problems / S. Ben Hamida and M. Schoenauer -- Test-Case Generator TCG-2 for Nonlinear Parameter Optimisation / M. Schmidt and Z. Michalewicz -- Solving CSP Instances Beyond the Phase Transition Using Stochastic Search Algorithms / L. Schoofs and B. Naudts -- Steady-State Evolutionary Path Planning, Adaptive Replacement, and Hyper-Diversity / G. Dozier -- Optimization of Noisy Fitness Functions by Means of Genetic Algorithms Using History of Search / Y. Sano and H. Kita -- An Efficient Random Number Generation Architecture for Hardware Parallel Genetic Algorithms / M. Bright and B. Turton -- An Integrated On-Line Learning System for Evolving Programmable Logic Array Controllers / Y. Liu, M. Iwata and T. Higuchi / [et al.] -- Selection and Reinforcement Learning for Combinatorial Optimization / A. Berny -- Ant Colony Optimization for the Total Weighted Tardiness Problem / M. den Besten, T. Stutzle and M. Dorigo -- Adaptive Fitness functions for the Satisfiability Problem / J. Gottieb and N. Voss -- Large-Scale Permutation Optimization with the Ordering Messy Genetic Algorithm / D. Knjazew and D.E. Goldberg -- A Hybrid GA for the Edge-Biconnectivity Augmentation Problem / I. Ljubic, G.R. Raidl and J. Kratica -- A Temporal Representation for GA and TSP / I. Mitchell and P. Pocknell -- A Comparison of Nature Inspired Heuristics on the Traveling Salesman Problem / T. Stutzle, A. Grun and S. Linke / [et al.] -- A Genetic Algorithms for VLSI Floorplanning / C.L. Valenzuela and P.Y. Wang -- Scalability and Efficiency of Genetic Algorithms for Geometrical Applications / S. van Dijk, D. Thierens and M. de Berg -- Genetic Optimization of the EPR Special Parameters: Algorithm Implementation and Preliminary Results / B. Filipic and J. Strancar -- Fitting Fluorescence Spectra with Genetic Algorithms / J.A. Hageman, R. Wehrens and R. de Gelder / [et al.] -- Real-Coded Adaptive Range Genetic Algorithm Applied to Transonic Wing Optimization / A. Oyama, S. Obayashi and T. Nakamura -- Stream Cyphers with One- and Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata / M. Tomassini and M. Perrenoud -- Investigating Generalization in the Anticipatory Classifier System / M.V. Butz, D.E. Goldberg and W. Stolzmann -- A New Bootstrapping Method to Improve Classification Performance in Learning Classifier Systems / J.H. Holmes, D.R. Durbin and F.K. Winston -- Towards Automatic Domain Knowledge Extraction for Evolutionary Heuristics / M. Jelasity -- Expanding from Discrete to Continuous Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: The IDEA / P.A.N. Bosman and D. Thierens -- A New Genetic Algorithms Working on State Domain Order Statistics / D. Delahaye and S. Puechmorel -- A Factorized Distribution Algorithm Using Single Connected Bayesian Networks / A. Ochoa, H. Muehlenbein and M. Soto -- Optimization as Side-Effect of Evolving Allelopathic Diversity / L. Pagie and P. Hogeweg -- Reaction-Diffusion Model of a Honeybee Colony's Foraging Behaviour / V. Tereshko
A Religion-Based Spatial Model for Evolutionary Algorithms / R. Thomsen, P. Rickers and T. Krink -- Bayesian Evolutionary Optimization Using Helmholtz Machines / B.-T. Zhang and S.-Y. Shin -- The Pareto Envelope-Based Selection Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimisation / D.W. Corne, J.D. Knowles and M.J. Oates -- A Fast Elitist Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization: NSGA-II / K. Deb, S. Agrawal and A. Pratap / [and others] -- Mechanical Component Design for Multiple Objectives Using Elitist Non-dominated Sorting GA / K. Deb, A. Pratap and S. Moitra -- On the Assessment of Multiobjective Approaches to the Adaptive Distributed Database Management Problem / J.D. Knowles, D.W. Corne and M.J. Oates -- A Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm Using Multiple Models for Optimization / M. Sefrioui and J. Periaux -- Take it EASEA / P. Collet, E. Lutton and M. Schoenauer / [and others] -- Evolutionary Computation Visualization: Application to G-PROP / G. Romero, M.G. Arenas and J.G. Castellano / [et al.]