edited by Sabine Otten, Kai Sassenberg, and Thomas Kessler
xvii, 318 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Motivations underlying ingroup identification : optimal distinctiveness and beyond / Marilynn B. Brewer -- Creative distinctiveness : explaining in-group bias in minimal groups / Russell Spears ... [and others] -- The ingroup projection model / Sven Waldzus -- Social identity and justice : implications for intergroup relations / Michael Wenzel -- Mood and cognition in intergroup judgment / Maya Machunsky and Thorsten Meiser -- A self-regulation approach to group processes / Kai Sassenberg and Karl-Andrew Woltin -- Go to hell! Determinants of motivated social exclusion / Immo Fritsche and Thomas W. Schubert -- Group-based emotions : the social heart in the individual head / Vincent Yzerbyt and Toon Kuppens -- Social categorization, intergroup emotions and aggressive interactions / Sabine Otten -- From both sides now : perpetrator and victim responses to intergroup transgressions / Rupert Brown -- Hierarchy-based groups : real inequalities and essential differences / Jacques-Philippe Leyens and Stéphanie Demoulin -- To be is to do is to be : collective identity and action / Bernd Simon -- Change in intergroup relations : psychological processes accompanying, determining, and determined by social change / Thomas Kessler and Nicole S. Harth -- Cross-group contact effects / Stephen C. Wright -- Interventions enhancing intergroup tolerance / Kai J. Jonas