Tagging and semantics. TagFusion: a system for integration and leveraging of collaborative tags / Milan Stanković and Jelena Jovanović -- Semantic enhancement of social tagging systems / Fabian Abel ... [et al.] -- Adaptability and user interfaces. Adaptation and recommendation techniques to improve the quality of annotations and the relevance of resources in Web 2.0 and semantic web-based applications / Iliaria Torre -- Adaptive reactive rich internet applications / Kay-Uwe Schmidt ... [et al.] -- Knowledge representation and user interfaces. Towards enhanced usability of natural language interfaces to knowledge bases / Danica Damljanović / Semantic document model to enhance data and knowledge interoperability / Saša Nešić -- Data mining, software engineering, and semantic web. Ontology-based data mining in digital libraries / Ana Kovačević -- An assessment system on the semantic web / Sonja Radenković, Nenad Krdžavac, and Vladan Devedžić