Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Abbreviations; Works Authored by Martin Heidegger; Works Authored by Emmanuel Levinas; Works Authored by Jacques Derrida; Introduction: From Translation to Translating; The Saying of Heidegger; Introduction; Language in Being and Time; Translation, die Kehre and Anaximander; Thinking the Relation: Man, Saying and the Unsaid; Conclusion; The Unsaying of Levinas; Introduction; Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence; Ethics Is First Philosophy; A Note on Politics; The Saying and The Said; The Trace; The Subject as Substitution
Sensibility and the Birth of Language Manifestation and Betrayal; Justice; Conclusion; Derrida: Life and Death at the Same Time; Introduction; Derrida's Reading of Husserl; Survie and Blanchot; Survie and Benjamin; Derrida and Translation; Introduction; The Trial of the Untranslatable; The Merchant of Venice as the Task of the Translator; The Untranslatable Translation; Language of Power and Language of the Other; Language and Institutional Power; The Language of the Other; Babel; The Proper Name; Pas de Monolinguisme; The Impossible; Introduction; Un-Naming God
The Place of Death Mourning, Surviving, Translating; Conclusion: Sur-Viving Translating; Bibliography; Index
This book presents the relation between the subject and the other in the work of Jacques Derrida as one of 'surviving translating'. It demonstrates the key role of translation in thinking difference rather than identity, beginning with the work of Martin Heidegger and Emmanuel Levinas. It describes how translation, and its ethical demands, acts as a leitmotif throughout Derrida's writing; from his early work on Edmund Husserl to his last texts on politics and hospitality. While for both Heidegger and Levinas translation is always possible, Derrida's account is marked by the challenge of impossibility. Expanding translation beyond a merely linguistic operation, Foran explores Derrida's accounts of mourning, death and 'survival' to offer a new perspective on the ethics of subjectivity