Historical background of Adventist biblical interpretation / Alberto R. Timm -- Faith, reason, and the Holy Spirit in hermeneutics / John T. Baldwin -- Presuppositions to the interpretation of scripture / Frank M. Hasel -- Revelation and inspiration / Fernando Canale -- The authority of scripture / Peter M. van Bemmelen -- The text and canon of scripture / Gerald A. Klingbell -- Guidelines for the interpretation of scripture / Ekkehardt Muller -- Innerbiblical interpretation: Reading the scriptures intertextually / Ganoune Diop -- Interpreting Old Testament historical narrative / Greg A. King -- Reading Psalms and the wisdom literature / Gerhard Pfandl and Angel M. Rodriguez -- Interpreting Old Testament prophecy / Richard M. Davidson -- Interpretation of the gospels and epistles / George E. Rice -- Interpretation of biblical types, parables, and allegories / Tom Shepherd -- The hermeneutics of biblical apocalyptic / Jon K. Paulien -- Hermeneutics and culture / Lael O. Caesar -- Interpreting and applying biblical ethics / Ron du Preez -- Ellen G. White and hermeneutics / Gerhard Pfandl -- Appendix A: Methods of Bible study -- Appendix B: The use of the modified version of the historical-critical approach by Adventist scholars / Angel M. Rodriguez