developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 189th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1985 /
Willa Y. Garner, Richard C. Honeycutt, Herbert N. Nigg
ix, 573 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
ACS symposium series ;
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Processes and factors affecting transport of pesticides to ground water / H.H. Cheng and W.C. Koskinen -- Soil characteristics affecting pesticide movement into ground water / Charles S. Helling and Timothy J. Gish -- Determining uncertainty in physical parameter measurements by Monte Carlo simulation / David W. Coy, Gregory A. Kew, Michael E. Mullins, and Phillip V. Piserchia -- Quantifying pesticide adsorption and degradation during transport through soil to ground water / W.Z. Zhong, A.T. Lemley, and R.J. Wagenet -- Geohydrology of a field site : study of pesticide migration in the unsaturated and saturated zones of Dougherty Plain, southwest Georgia / Sandra C. Cooper -- Spatial variability of pesticide sorption and degradation parameters / P.S.C. Rao, K.S.V. Edvardsson, L.T. Ou, R.E. Jessup, P. Nkedi-Kizza, and A.G. Hornsby -- Applications of surface geophysical methods to ground water pollution investigations / Nicholas De Rose -- DRASTIC, a system to evaluate the pollution potential of hydrogeologic settings by pesticides / Linda Aller, Truman Bennett, Jay H. Lehr, and Rebecca Petty -- Hydrogeologic investigations of pesticide spills / Ralph E. Moon and Carol D. Henry -- Monitoring ground water for pesticides / S.Z. Cohen, C. Eiden, and M.N. Lorber -- Field, laboratory, and modeling studies on the degradation and transport of aldicarb residues in soil and ground water / Russell L. Jones -- Fate of aldicarb in Wisconsin ground water / John M. Harkin, Frank A. Jones, Riyadh N. Fathulla, E. Kudjo Dzantor, and David G. Kroll -- Complexity of contaminant dispersal in a karst geological system / David A. Kurtz and Richard R. Parizek -- 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) in two soil profiles / D.W. Duncan and R.J. Oshima -- Chemical and microbial degradation of 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) in Florida ground water, soil, and sludge / R.A. Weintraub, G.W. Jex, and H.A. Moye -- Movement of selected pesticides and herbicides through columns of sandy loam / Viorica Lopez-Avila, Pat Hirata, Susan Kraska, Michael Flanagan, John H. Taylor, Jr., Stephen C. Hern, Sue Melancon, and Jim Pollard -- Principles of modeling pesticide movement in the unsaturated zone / R.J. Wagenet -- A method for the assessment of ground water contamination potential using a pesticide root zone model (PRZM) for the unsaturated zone / M.N. Lorber and Carolyn K. Offutt -- Modeling pesticide movement in the unsaturated zone of Hawaiian soils under agricultural use / R.E. Green, C.C.K. Liu, and N. Tamrakar -- Evaluation of pesticide transport screening models under field conditions / William A. Jury, Hesham Elabd, L. Denise Clendening, and Margaret Resketo -- Field validation of ground water models / Mary P. Anderson -- Reproductive and developmental toxicity risk assessment / Jerry M. Smith -- The toxicological and epidemiological effects of pesticide contamination in California ground water / Peter E. Berteau and David P. Spath -- Safety evaluation of pesticides in ground water / D.D. Sumner and J.T. Stevens -- Risk assessment approaches for ground water contamination by pesticides and other organic substances / J.F. Stara, J. Patterson, and M.L. Dourson -- Risk, uncertainty, and the legal process / Sheila Jasanoff -- Industry perspective on pesticide and ground water legislation / Loy C. Newby and Charles G. Rock -- Ground water regulations : impact, public acceptance, and enforcement / Orlo R. Ehart, Gordon Chesters, and Kari J. Sherman -- Ground water contamination by toxic substances : a California assessment / David B. Cohen -- Two ground water contamination problems : case studies / Nancy K. Kim, Anthony J. Grey, Ronald Tramontano, Charles Hudson, and Geoffrey Laccetti -- The emerging role of pesticide regulation in Florida due to ground water contamination / Howard L. Rhodes -- Considering pesticide potential for reaching ground water in the registration of pesticides / Samuel M. Creeger
Evaluation of pesticides in ground water.
Agricultural pollution, Congresses
Groundwater-- Pollution, Congresses
Pesticides-- Environmental aspects, Congresses
Garner, Willa Y.,1936-
Honeycutt, Richard C.,1945-
Nigg, Herbert N.,1941-
American Chemical Society., Division of Pesticide Chemistry
American Chemical Society., Meeting(189th :1985 :, Miami Beach, Fla.)