a tribute to Herman F. Mark : based on a symposium sponsored by the Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry Division at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American Continent (180th ACS National Meeting), Las Vegas, Nevada, August 25-28, 1980 /
Herman F. Mark : the early years, 1895-1926 / G. Allan Stahl -- Reminiscences of the early twenties / Rudolf Brill -- A short history of polymer science / G. Allan Stahl -- The science of macromolecules : evolution and early elaborations / Robert Simha -- Polymer science through the fifties / C.S. Marvel -- Herman F. Mark : the Geheimrat / G. Allan Stahl -- Herman F. Mark : the man / Hans Mark -- Herman F. Mark and the structure of crystals / Linus Pauling -- Salute to Herman F. Mark / Maurice Morton -- Herman F. Mark : the continuing invasion / G. Allan Stahl -- Polymer education and the Mark connection / Charles E. Carraher, Jr. -- The interfacial macromolecule / F.R. Eirich -- Polymers in the world of tomorrow / W.O. Baker -- Achievements and predicted developments in enzyme engineering / Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir -- Polymeric monolayers and liposomes as models for biomembranes and cells / Bernd Hupfer and Helmut Ringsdorf -- Auto-acceleration in free-radical polymerizations under precipitating conditions / Adolphe Chapiro -- New graft copolymerizations onto cellulosic fibers / Bengt Rånby and Cenita Rodehed -- Fifty years of polystyrene / Heinz G. Pohlemann and Adolf Echte -- Morphology of polymers: some industrial aspects / J. Brandrup, K.H. Burg, and H. Cherdron -- Block copolymers : maturation of an old concept into a versatile modern tool / P. Teyssie -- Current perceptions of Sino-U.S. Trade / Julian M. Sobin.
Polymer science overview.
Mark, H. F., (Herman Francis),1895-1992
Chemists-- United States-- Biography, Congresses.
Polymerization, Congresses.
Polymers, Congresses.
Stahl, G. Allan.
American Chemical Society., Division of Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry.
American Chemical Society., Meeting(180th :1980 :, Las Vegas, Nev.)
Chemical Congress of the North American Continent(2nd :1980 :, Las Vegas, Nev.)