a conversation on faith, psychology, and neuroscience /
Malcolm Jeeves.
219 pages ;
23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
What is psychology, and how should we approach it? -- What is the relationship between the mind and the brain? -- How free am I? : free will and determinism -- Determinism, genetics, and the "God gene" -- Have Benjamin Libet's experiments exploded the free-will myth? -- But is it all in the brain? : the emergence of social neuroscience -- But what about the soul? -- Don't parapsychology and near-death experiences prove the existence of the soul? -- What makes us human? : the development of evolutionary psychology -- Are humans different? : what about morality in animals? -- What is the difference between altruism, altruistic love and agape? -- Does language uniquely define us as humans? -- Does my brain have a "God spot"? -- Does God guide and direct us? -- Does neuropsychology have anything to offer psychotherapy and counseling? -- Are religious beliefs the twenty-first-century opium of the people? : what about placebo effects? -- What about spirituality? : is it a separate "religious" part of me? -- Can science "explain away" religion? -- Where next?