Butterworth-Heinemann series in chemical engineering
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Organization Scheme -- Governing Equations and Fundamental Theorems -- Microhydrodynamic Phenomena -- Objective and Scope -- The Governing Equations -- The Equation of Continuity -- The Momentum Balance -- The Stokes Equations -- Boundary Conditions for Fluid Flows -- The Energy Balance -- Colloidal Forces on Particles -- General Properties and Fundamental Theorems -- Energy Dissipation Theorems -- Uniqueness -- Minimum Energy Dissipation -- Lower Bounds on Energy Dissipation -- Energy Dissipation in Particulate Flows -- Energy Dissipation in Mobility Problems -- Lorentz Reciprocal Theorem -- Integral Representations -- The Green's Function for Stokes Flow -- Integral Representation with Single and Double Layer Potentials -- Representation of Flows Outside a Rigid Particle -- The Multipole Expansion -- Dynamics of a Single Particle -- The Disturbance Field of a Single Particle in a Steady Flow -- The Far Field Expansion: Rigid Particles and Drops -- Singularity Solutions -- Singularity System for Spheres -- The Spherical Drop and Interior Flows -- Singularity System for Ellipsoids -- Singularity System for Prolate Spheroids -- Singularity System for Oblate Spheroids -- Slender Body Theory -- Faxen Laws -- Ellipsoids and Spheroids -- The Spherical Drop -- Solutions in Spherical Coordinates -- Lamb's General Solution -- The Connection with the Multipole Expansion -- Force, Torque, and Stresslet -- Matching of Boundary Conditions -- The Adjoint Method -- An Orthonormal Basis for Stokes Flow -- The Stokes Streamfunction.