Preceded by Clinical neurology for psychiatrists / David Mylan Kaufman. 6th ed. c2007
Includes bibliographical references and index
Section 1. Classic Anatomic Neurology: First encounter with a patient: examination and formulation -- Central nervous system disorders -- Psychogenic neurologic deficits -- Cranial nerve impairments -- Peripheral nerve disorders -- Muscle disorders -- Section 2. Major Neurologic Symptoms: Dementia -- Aphasia and anosognosia -- Headaches -- Epilepsy -- TIAs and strokes -- Visual disturbances -- Congenital cerebral impairments -- Neurologic aspects of chronic pain -- Multiple sclerosis -- Neurologic aspects of sexual function -- Sleep disorders -- Involuntary movement disorders -- Brain tumors, metastatic cancer, and paraneoplastic syndromes -- Lumbar puncture and imaging studies -- Neurotransmitters and drug abuse -- Traumatic brain injury -- Appendix 1. Patient and family support groups -- Appendix 2. Costs of various tests and treatments -- Appendix 3. Diseases transmitted by chromosome or mitochondria abnormalities -- Appendix 4. Chemical and biological neurotoxins -- Appendix 5. Three nonethanol toxic alcohols