Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-109) and index.
Introduction to Shelf Life of Foods -- Frequently Asked Questions -- What is shelf life? -- Why are food safety and shelf life related? -- Who should be interested in shelf life of foods? -- Who is responsible for determining shelf life? -- Is it illegal to give a wrong shelf life to a food product? -- How long a shelf life should my product have? -- What is accelerated shelf life determination? -- What are the resources required for determining shelf life? -- How is the end of shelf life normally decided? -- How do we ensure that the shelf lives established for our products are accurate and reproducible? -- Can computer models help in shelf life determination? -- What is challenge testing? -- Can the shelf life of my product be extended? -- How are storage tests and trials set up for determining shelf life? -- Objective of the storage trial -- Storage conditions -- Samples for storage trials -- Sampling schedule -- Shelf life tests -- The Ways Food Deteriorates and Spoils -- Mechanisms of food deterioration and spoilage -- Moisture and/or water vapour transfer -- Physical transfer of substances other than moisture and/or water vapour -- Chemical and/or biochemical changes -- Light-induced changes -- Microbiological changes -- Factors influencing the shelf life of foods -- Intrinsic factors -- Extrinsic factors -- Interaction between intrinsic and extrinsic factors -- Consumer handling and use -- Commercial considerations -- Determining Shelf Life in Practice -- Short shelf life products -- The product -- The process -- Food safety -- Mechanism(s) of shelf life deterioration -- Shelf life determination -- storage trial -- Predicting shelf life -- Assurance of assigned shelf life-the HACCP approach -- Medium shelf life products -- The product -- The process -- Food safety -- Mechanism(s) of shelf life deterioration -- Shelf life determination -- storage trials -- Assurance of assigned shelf life -- the HACCP approach -- Long shelf life products -- The product -- The process -- Food safety -- Mechanism(s) of shelf life deterioration -- Shelf life determination -- storage trials -- Assurance of assigned shelf life -- the HACCP approach.