The relationship between severity of personality disorder and certain adverse childhood influences / Craft, M. Stephenson, G., Granger, C. -- Care eliciting behaviour in man / Henderson, S. -- Hate in the countertransference / Winnicott, D. -- Taking care of the hateful patient / Groves, J. -- The ailment / Main, T. -- Malignant alienation : dangers for patients who are hard to like / Watts and Morgan -- Malignant alienation / Whittle, M. -- The beginning of wisdom is never calling a patient a borderline ... [et al.] / Vaillant, G. -- Psychiatric staff as attachment figures / Adshead, G. -- In the prison of severe personality disorder / Norton, K. -- Murmurs of discontent / Adshead, G. -- Management of difficult personality disorder patients / Norton, K. -- Problems in the management of borderline patients / Evans, M. -- Ten traps for therapists in the treatment of trauma survivors / Chu, J. -- Severe personality disorder patients : treatment issues and selection for in-patient psychotherapy / Norton, K., Hinshelwood, R. -- The concept of boundaries in clinical practice / Gutheil, T., Gabbard, G.