"Published with the support of the Israel Science Foundation."
Includes bibliographical references and index
The biography of the Communist Jewish Kapo whose controversy-ridden story spans Europe and Israel, Eliezer Gruenbaum (1908-1948) was a Polish Jew denounced for serving as a Kapo while interned at Auschwitz. He was the communist son of Itzhak Gruenbaum, the most prominent secular leader of interwar Polish Jewry who later became the chairman of the Jewish Agency's Rescue Committee during the Holocaust and Israel's first minister of the interior. In light of the father's high placement in both Polish and Israeli politics, the denunciation of the younger Gruenbaum and his suspicious death during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war add intrigue to a controversy that really centers on the question of what constitutes-and how do we evaluate-moral behavior in Auschwitz. Book jacket
Mi atah Leʼon Berz'eh?
Grinboim, Eliʻezer,1908-1948
Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)-- Poland, Biography
World War, 1939-1945-- Collaborationists-- Poland, Biography