Part I. Background. Introduction and overview / Rick H. Hoyle -- Key advances in the history of structural equation modeling / Ross L. Matsueda ; Graphical representation of structural equation models using path diagrams / Moon-ho Ringo Ho, Stephen Stark, and Olexander Chernyshenko ; Latent variables in structural equation modeling / Kenneth A. Bollen and Rick H. Hoyle ; The causal foundations of structural equation modeling / Judea Pearl ; Simulation methods in structural equation modeling / Deborah L. Bandalos and Phillip Gagné -- Part II. Fundamentals. Assumptions in structural equation modeling / Rex B. Kline ; Model specification in structural equation modeling / Rick H. Hoyle ; Identification : a nontechnical discussion of a technical issue / David A. Kenny and Stephanie Milan ; Estimation in structural equation modeling / Pui-Wa Lei and Qiong Wu ; Power analysis for tests of structural equation models / Taehun Lee, Li Cai, and Robert C. MacCallum ; Categorical data in the structural equation modeling framework / Michael C. Edwards, R.J. Wirth, Carrie R. Houts, and Nuo Xi ; Model fit and model selection in structural equation modeling / Stephen G. West, Aaron B. Taylor, and Wei Wu ; Model modification in structural equation modeling / Chih-Ping Chou and Jimi Huh ; Equivalent models : concepts, problems, alternatives / Larry J. Williams -- Part III. Implementation. Preparing data for structural equation modeling : doing your homework / Patrick S. Malone and Jill B. Lubansky ; Structural equation modeling with missing data / John W. Graham and Donna L. Coffman ; Bootstrapping standard errors and data-model fit statistics in structural equation modeling / Gregory R. Hancock and Min Liu ; Choosing structural equation modeling computer software: snapshots of LISREL, EQS, Amos, and Mplus / Barbara M. Byrne ; Structural equation modeling in R with the sem and OpenMx packages / John Fox, Jarrett E. Byrnes, Steven Boker, and Michael C. Neale ; The structural equation modeling research report / Anne Boomsma, Rick H. Hoyle, and Abigail T. Panter
"This handbook offers comprehensive coverage of structural equation modeling (SEM), beginning with background issues, continuing through statistical underpinnings and steps in implementation, then moving into basic and advanced applications of SEM. In a single volume, it offers virtually complete coverage of SEM and its use"--